With extensive Market knowledge, FORTENAVE aims at the Shipping Agency, an activity that has as one of its main objectives to aid and attend ships and their crews, in addition to which, the provision of its services fundamentally involves the scheduling of docking and release of ships before the local Port Authorities, also serving as a link between those involved (Ship, Port Authorities, Importers, Exporters, Port Operators and Terminals) to promote the operation intended by the ships, assuring them an smooth and quick port stay.
We as Shipping Agency also operate in the monitoring the operations of ships, providing daily, accurate and timely information to all involved, on berthing forecast, ship’s operations development while berthed, forecast on operations’ end and departure, as well as maintaining close service to the Command and the crew, while the ship remains in port.
FORTENAVE, a company of the FTS Group, began its activities three decades ago to offer Shipping Agency service not only to the Group's customers, but also to any client who requests these services, regardless of the type of cargo to be moved, in the main Brazilian ports.
Continue to dominate the shipping agency area, maintaining quality, improving, and expanding more and more the services provided always with dexterity. We want to grow while helping our partners to grow and both profit from this partnership. We seek high levels of excellence aiming at customer satisfaction, respecting our customers, society and mainly, the environment.
To be the most innovative group, offering a diversity of quality services. Be present where, when and how the customer wishes. Always serve the customer with the best team. Generate happiness and fulfillment to the partners with whom we work.
Honesty and Integrity. Readiness and quality. Respect for nature and the law.